What is a Free Mason?

What is Freemasonry?MasonEXPOSER 2004 --------click here learn what and who is a FREE MASON from Hollywood 2 the WHITEHOUSE...Did you know BUSH & J. KERRY are FREE MASONS from SKULL & BONES YALE/Knights of Malta + Freemasonry is a secret satanic society they worship Lucifer inside of masonic temples called LODGES (also called A CRAFT) A free & accepted mason is taught to be accepted by any lodge around the world. Hiram /socalled master mason is in the Bible over 23 times along with the STONEMASON who built Temple in OT. They wear white aprons called LAMBSKIN BADGE. The lambskin is taught by all mason that it is NOT ABOVE THE GARTER AND STAR (Prince Chalres of Wales’s Royal Order called THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER)masons are also called ANCIENT MASON.

Who do FREE MASONS Worship? Free Masons teach HORUS is JESUS. Albert Pike (pope of Freemasonry) said FREEMASONRY can be traced back to the KABBALAH. It is a known fact that Masons seek degree by DEGREE (1-33) for the LOST GRAIL. What does the Eygptian and Midevil times have in command, the 3rd EYE. Masons worship the SUN and the MOON. Horus is a SUN god who was known as RA, many Pharah took this title too. Horus (Greek ) was pictured as a FALCON god Mason

Where do Masons meet? Their lodges can be found throughout your local communities. The Mother Masonic Lodge is located in London 1717. It is a fact that MASONS will meet up WHENEVER or WHEREVER they can. 3 or more masons can make a informal meeting.MASONRY IS WORLDWIDE.They are front groups for the Prior of Zion.

How is FREEMASONRY EVIL? This mysterious cult teaches Jesus had sex & married Mary Magdalen and had Holy Children. Many masons are unaware of this fact, Masons worship LUCIFER who they use a symbol called the 3rd EYE or EYE OF HORUS. Freemasonry is considered a secret craft (witch craft) with only its masonic members sharing the secrets held in their lodges.(like college sororities) If one should reveal the secrets of FREEMASONRY they will kill them part of a bloodly masonic oath each mason takes. Freemasonry is a Brotherhood of knights that started long ago.

What are these secret symbols Masons use? This Masonic COMPASS & SQUARE (use mostly in BLUE LODGES)is a MASONIC COMPASS & SPQUARE WITH THE YOD NAME “G” in the middle. This is known as the lights in FREEEMASONRY. The COMPASS is used to measure spritiual things–sphere and the compass is measuring MAN on a hidden square cube Albert Pike (KKK member) said FREEMASONRY “conceals” its symbols NOT “reveal”. You will notice this MASONIC SYMBOL around your local cities and work places! As a mason moves up in his degree they recieve other MASONIC EMBLEMS just like BOYSCOTTS (star, eagle scott, ect)

Look on the back of your $1.Notice the great seal pictured of an EYE (14 bars of glory illuminating the EYE) decending over the 13-story prymaid (13 bloodlines of the illuminati, with the 13th Royal Merovingian Bloodline being the top of the bloodlines. This is the EYE OF HORUS.


FreeMason vs Christian

“Freemasonry is not Christian, nor a substitute for it.” [C.F. McQuaig, My Masonic Friend, p. 1] If Freemasonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and the Moslem, the Brahman and Buddhist, could not conscientiously partake of its illumination.” [Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”, p. 182, 33rd Degree Mason.] Masons who claim to be Christian please read Galatians 1:6-9. Masons teach ANOTHER GOSPEL. They teach Jesus married & had SEX with Mary Magdalen. So that means all FREE MASONS , KKK, & MORMONS (yes mormons/LDS too) believe Jesus had SEX with Mary Magdalen and had kids. Still think the Wales has Royal Blood from Jesus Christ. APOSTASY (LUKEWARM) they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator …” [Romans 1:25] By Biblical definition, FreeMasonry is PAGAN.

Masons teach UNIVERSALITY =Masonry…is Religion, a worship in which all good men may unite, that each may share the faith of all. ( Joseph Fort Newton, THE BUILDERS, p. 242) Source of Authority. Masons refer to the Bible as the “Volume of the Sacred Law” (V.S.L.), and it is considered an indispensable part of what is called “the furniture” in a Masonic Lodge. But the Bible is used only in a so-called “Christian” lodge — the Hebrew Pentateuch is used in a Hebrew lodge, the Koran in a Mohammedan lodge, the Vedas in a Brahmin lodge, etc. Jim Shaw, a former 33rd degree Mason, says that Masonry is not based on the Bible (referred to as “The Great Light”), but on the Kabala (Cabala), a medieval book of mysticism and magic. Masonic authority Henry Wilson Coil also admits that the Kabala’s teachings can be seen in some of the mystical and philosophical degrees of Masonry. Albert Pike (see next), the man responsible for virtually rewriting the Scottish Rite degrees into their present form, said that the Masonic “search after light” leads directly back to the Kabala, the ultimate source of Masonic beliefs (Morals and Dogma).

Freemasonry is a religion without a Savior (Jesus Christ)

In the 19th degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the initiate is told that attachment to Masonry’s “statutes and rules of the order” will make him “deserving of entering the celestial Jerusalem [heaven].” In the 28th degree, he is told that “the true Mason [is one] who raises himself by degrees till he reaches heaven” and that one of his duties is “To divest [him]self of original sin …” Masons clearly teach a salvation by works, or character development, not a salvation by faith in Christ alone. Even in the 32nd Degree, a Mason never can nor will find the “light” he is looking for.Sectarianism is simply the belief that one’s faith has an exclusive corner on the Truth and that all others are false. In fact, Christianity is deemed by Freemasonry to be a sect, and Christians who believe in Jesus alone are said by Masons to be sectarian. Since it is revealed that their Masonic “God” hates sectarianism, in effect, Freemasonry’s elite are admitting that they hate Jesus Christ.

What are the ranks (degrees)in FREEMASONRY?

I have included a secret masonic chart masons don’t want the public to see.

The study of this satanic cult shall take us back to the building of Soloms temple by stone masons ram by Master Mason named Hiram. Then we shall look as it travel to the Templar Knights during the Midevil times and futher back to the days of Horus the pagan gods of Egypt.

Look in the middle of this picture...you will see HORUS ...the falcon pagan god

Eye of Horus (Lucifer)
Masons are very clever at telling us what they are not, but very sly and careful to avoid telling us what they are, and what they represent at the inner core of their multi-religious brotherhood
Guardians of the Grail (masons search for the Grail -degree by degree )

The Crusaders (which we were taught in history as being the Christians) where french Did you know the TEMPLAR KNIGHTS became todays Scottish Rite of FREEMASONRY !knights who protected the Holy Land from the Turks (muslims) When the Crusaders finaly conquered the city from the muslims in 1061 A.D. they rose Godfroi de Bouillon (part of the satanic Merovingian Bloodline) to the throne of Jerusalem.These Crusaders teach they are direct decendents of Kind David. As these evil men push out their dark hidden agenda the later establish a secret satanic society in 1099 A.D. called Prieure (Priory) de Sion 900 year secret order still ALIVE in 2003.[the order was split in 1188]

Freemason? When the Priory de Sion was up an ready they created a front organization called KNIGHTS TEMPLAR in 1118 A.D. making Godfroi de Bouillon brother (Baudouin Bouillon ) the templar’s fist Grand Master. This secret knighthood made the Merovee Cross—>+ the offical symbol. These 9 knights guarded the highways around Jerusalem calling themselves the “proor Templars”. When the Templar Knights enter Jerusalem they were givin quartersof King Baudouin on the temple site. No Historical proof but it is believe the spent the last 9 years digging up the treasures of the Jewish Temple. The knights soon broke away from the alligiance of the Bishop of Rome and refused to be under the contronl of kings and popes. They became very rich & greedy creating internatial banks lending out money knigs using a method of lending money from on city to another by simplly writing a note on a piece of paper. Today this method is called writing a check! The Goal of this front group of Priory de Sion was to preserve the Merovingian Bloodline which they hope one day to establish their king to the throne of the world (ONE WORLD The King of France tried to destroy the Templar Knights in the early 1300’s.Clement V and Philip organized the infamous Inquistion in attempts to crush the occultic power of the Templar Knights because of the Merovingian Bloodline which taught Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalen that cover the Roman Catholic in a dark cloud. Another reson was to capture all the secret treasures the Templars had. The Templar wore the MEROVEE CROSS–> + on their white Crusader Robes

Who is Hiram Abiff? If the song leaders across the country were to stand on the platforms on Sunday morning and ask the members of the church, “Who was killed, buried and raised from the grave?”, the majority of members would immediately respond with the name Jesus. A few might also remember the name Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. Yet, they would remember that Lazarus simply died; he was not killed. In a significant number of churches, the name Hiram Abiff, the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali, would come into the consciousness of some of the male members. In some churches, the question would cause even the pastor to think of Hiram. Although these men know that the name Hiram Abiff would be considered a valid answer to the question by other men with whom they privately associate in Masonic Lodges, they would be reluctant to mention the name of Hiram in church. Certainly, they would not explain the Masonic teaching they have embraced concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Hiram. That would cause others to doubt their Christianity. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the essence of the Gospel. The Scriptural account of the Gospel is stated most succinctly by Paul: Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 The Scriptures reveal that Jesus died a brutal death as the result of being crucified at a place called Golgotha: They came to a place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it. When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Matt 27:33-35 Before Jesus was killed, he was struck multiple times. Mark clearly states that fact: Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. Mark 15:15 Hiram Abiff and the Scriptures The name Hiram Abiff is not found in Scripture. Yet, the Masonic account of Hiram is often said to be based upon the Holy Bible. In the Master Mason degree, in that portion of the ritual known as the Legend of the Third Degree, there are three central characters. The story line is set around the building of Solomon’s temple. The characters, King Solomon, Hiram – the King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff are all taken from the Scriptural account of the temple building. King Solomon and Hiram King of Tyre are mentioned many times in the Scriptures, Huram is a variant of Hiram. In the KJV translation of the verse, the name Hiram is found. The KJV uses both Huram (2 Chron 2:3) and Hiram (1 Kings 5) to identify Hiram the King of Tyre. The KJV translation of 2 Chron 2:13 does not contain -abi, but rather “Huram my father’s.” The Hebrew word from which the KJV “father’s” was translated is “‘ab,” according to the Hebrew Dictionary found in Strong’s Concordance. Strong’s entry for the word ‘ab (H1) indicates that it can also mean father-less, as the son of a widow would be. The entry for H1 also mentions “Abi-.” Studying the various translations along with a Hebrew dictionary allows us to see how Freemasonry may have settled on the name Hiram Abi-ff, also sometimes spelled Abif. Hiram King of Tyre wrote a letter to King Solomon, advising him that he was sending Huram-Abi to work on the temple. That letter is documented in 2 Chron 2:11-14. The fact that Hiram-Abi was the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali is confirmed in Scripture: King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram, whose mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was a man of Tyre and a craftsman in bronze. Huram was highly skilled and experienced in all kinds of bronze work. He came to King Solomon and did all the work assigned to him. 1 Kings 7:13-14 Although the most important element of Masonic symbolism deals with the death, burial and resurrection of Hiram Abiff, there is nothing in Scripture to support it. Masonic Grand Lodges have stated that the account is not based upon fact, but rather is an allegory, used to teach. Hiram Abiff in Masonic Ritual During the Legend of the Third Degree, the candidate portrays Hiram Abiff in the ritual. He is blindfolded and led through the ritual by a conductor. In Masonic ritual, Hiram Abiff is not a worker of brass as in Scripture, but rather the Grand Master at the building of Solomon’s temple. Each day, he lays out the work for the workmen to complete. There are Fellowcrafts who work on the temple who are to be given the secrets of a Master Mason as compensation – when the temple is completed. Once they have the secrets of a Master Mason they will earn the wages of a Master. A group of fifteen Fellowcrafts decide that they do not want to wait until the work is completed. They form a plot which only three of them carry through. The three “ruffians” sequentially accost Hiram at the East gate, the South gate and the West gate. A similar dialog occurs at each temple entrance. The ruffian demands the secrets of a Master Mason. Hiram explains that this is neither the time, nor the place; the secrets can only be revealed in the presence of three, King Solomon, Hiram the King of Tyre and myself. The ruffian demands, “Your life, or the secrets.” Hiram responds, “My life you can have, my integrity – never.” When they fail to get what they want, they strike Hiram with one of the working tools and he staggers to the next gate and the next encounter. The third ruffian is also unable to extract the secrets from Hiram Abiff. He strikes Hiram on the head with a setting maul and kills him. Hiram willingly laid down his life rather than betray his trust. The ruffians have not achieved their goal and they have a body to dispose of. They bury the body in temple rubble and plan to return at midnight to give the body a more decent burial. At midnight, they return and carry the body to a hill west of Mt. Moriah, where Hiram Abiff is reburied. The next day, Hiram is nowhere to be found. A search is conducted. The Fellowcrafts who did not go through with the conspiracy confess the plot. A grave is found; the body of Hiram is found within it. Hiram Abiff has been in the grave for 15 days. King Solomon gives the order for the body to be raised using the grips of the Entered Apprentice and then the Fellowcraft. Those efforts are unsuccessful. King Solomon states that he fears that with the death of Hiram Abiff the word of a Master Mason has been lost. Therefore, the first word spoken after Hiram is raised from the grave will be the substitute until the lost word can be recovered. At that point, King Solomon raises Hiram Abiff from “a dead level to a living perpendicular” using the real grip of a Master Mason, also known as the Lion’s Paw. He embraces Hiram on the five points of fellowship, standing foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back and mouth to ear. King Solomon, played by the Worshipful Master, then whispers the substitute for the lost word in Hiram’s ear. That word is Ma-Ha-Bone. Following the Master Mason Lecture, the following words are spoken: Then, finally my brethren, let us imitate our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, in his virtuous conduct, his unfeigned piety to God, and his inflexible fidelity to his trust; that, like him, we may welcome the grim tyrant, Death, and receive him as a kind messenger sent by our Supreme Grand Master, to translate us from this imperfect to that all-perfect, glorious, and celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universepresides. When this conclusion to the ritual is reread carefully, breaking it down phrase by phrase, it is easy to see that what it actually says is that, “Masonic brethren should imitate Hiram Abif to get into heaven.” Notice that Freemasonry does not urge Freemasons to have faith in Hiram Abiff. When the words from the ritual are analyzed carefully, it is clear that Freemasonry is substituting imitation for faith and Hiram for Jesus – as the means to gaining entry into heaven, following death. Certainly a Christian who is fluent in English and understands what salvation is will interpret these words as a plan of salvation. Many, many Masons who claim to be Christians take issue with this interpretation and flatly deny that Freemasonry has a plan of salvation These words are found in the monitors of many states including Indiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and the District of Columbia, to name a few. All other Grand Lodge monitors which do not contain this text contain enough other material to prove that they too teach salvation without Jesus. Additionally, in virtually all monitors we have examined, they actually have a prayer which asks for salvation. Clearly the words of those Masons who deny that Freemasonry has a plan of salvation do not agree with the interpretation of the teachings of ritual offered by Grand Lodges. Since the Grand Lodges are the acknowledged authorities of Freemasonry, those individual Masons who claim that Freemasonry has no plan of salvation are making claims which many of them know are untrue. They carried the body to the Temple and buried it in due form, and Masonic tradition informs us that a monument was erected to his memory, on which was delineated a beautiful Virgin weeping over a broken column (Hiram); before her lay a book, open; in her right hand a sprig of acacia; in her left, an urn; and behind her stood Time with his fingers unfolding and counting the ringlets of her hair. The broken column denotes the untimely death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif; the beautiful Virgin; weeping, denotes the Temple, unfinished; the book open before her, that his virtues there lie on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the timely discovery of his body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were there safely deposited to perpetuate the remembrance of so distinguished a character The weeping virgin denotes the unfinished state of the Temple; the broken column, that one of the principal supports of Masonry had fallen in the death of our G. M. H. A.; . . . the urn, that his ashes were safely deposited to perpetuate the memory of so distinguished a character; Kentucky Monitor, p.140, 19th ed. How will Masons get into heaven? A number of Masonic Grand Lodges have distributed educational material to new members which explains how they will gain entry into heaven. The name Jesus Christ is never mentioned. Consider these words found in the monitors of Kansas, Wisconsin and the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma: Let all the energies of our minds and the affections of our souls be employed in the attainment of our Supreme Grand Master’s approbation, that when the hour of our dissolution draws nigh and the cold winds of death come sighing around us, and his chill dew glistens on our foreheads, may we with joy obey the summons of the Grand Warden of Heaven and go from our labors here on earth to everlasting refreshment in the Paradise of God, where, by the benefit of a pass, a pure life, and a firm reliance on Divine Providence, we shall gain a ready admission into the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides, where seated at the right hand of our Supreme Grand master, he will be pleased to pronounce us just and upright Masons. Murrow Masonic Monitor and Ceremonies (Oklahoma), 1997, p.90  

The Secret Password of a Entered Apprentice 1st The password of the 1st degree, or the ‘Entered Apprentice’ degree is ‘Boaz’. The Secret Password of a FellowCraft 2nd The password of the ‘Second Degree’, or ‘Fellowcraft Degree’ is ‘Shibboleth’. The Secret Password of a Master Mason: 3rd ‘Tubal Cain’ is the password of a Master Mason, which is the’Third Degree’. The Substitute Word of a Master Mason During the blood chilling initiation of “being given the third degree”, the candidate is told the “Master’s Word” has been lost and instead a “substitute word” is whispered into his ear, “Mah Ha Bone” The Secret Word: Not to be confused with the password. The Word (always capitalized)is so secret that initiates are taught it one letter at a time. Firstthey learn A, then O, then M, and finally I. The Word is IAOM. You never get a straight story as to what it means. As best asanyone can figure, it is the ineffable name of god, or someapproximation thereof. The Word (or Name) is a tongue twister.It takes some practice to get it right. The following pronunciation guide is from Masonry and Its Symbols in the Light of Thinking and Destiny by Harold Waldwin Percival: The Name is pronounced as follows: It is started by opening the lips with an “ee” sound graduating into a broad “a” as the mouth opens wider with lips forming an oval shape and then graduating the sound to “o” as the lips form a circle, and again modulating to an “m” sound as the lips close to a point. This point resolves itself to a point within the head. Expressed phonetically the Name is “EE-Ah-Oh-Mmm” and is pronounced with one continuous out-breathing with a slight nasal tone in the manner described above. Note: this “word” or letter sequences is very similar if not identical to the ones contained in prayers of the Gnostics inthe Nag Hamadi Library recovered from the sands of Egypt in 1945 (not to be confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls recovered from the sands of Judea in 1947). 3rd EYE (ALL SEEING EYE OF LUCIFER= The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy.” [Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 124

Masons plans to rule this world in a NEW WORLD ORDER. What is NWO? Look on the back of your $1. Notice the eye coming down from heaven. This is a Masonic symbol called the ALL SEEING EYE OF LUCIFER(3rd EYE/eygpian hyrogric falcon god named Horus son of Osris whose wife was Isis/Queen/mother of heaven=MADONA=Mary/black Jesus) The eye looks over a 13-story pyrmiad (13-Top bloodlines of the illuminati.) Under the pyrimad you read in Latin or Greek the words says “N O S” means New Order of the Ages code name NEW WORLD ORDER. This design was design by 5 Free Masons (2 of them was Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.

Did you know Bush is a Mason. Bush is part of York Rite of Freemasonry/Skull & Bones 322 Yale/Knights of Malta?

click here to see proof

Whom, besides Lucifer, does Free Masonry worship? Pike says on page 718, teachings of the 28th Degree, that Masonry worships Nature, and then on page 776, he says Masons worship the Sun.

The All-seeing eye orginated in Egypt in those Satanic Mysteries which God physically judged during the time of Moses, when he lead the Israelites out of the land by the mighty hand of God. The All-Seeing Eye was representative of the omniscience of Horus, the Sun God, [Magic Symbols,by Frederick Goodman, p. 103, Satanic symbols book]. As one Masonic booksays, “These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the Eye of Mind or the Eye ofHorus … and conveying the idea of the ‘All seeing Eye’. The end set before the Egyptian neophyte was illumination, that is to be ‘brought to light’.The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light”. [Thomas Milton Stewart, The Symbolism of the gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry, London, England, Baskerville Press, Ltd., 1927, p. 5]Anyone who knows their Scripture and thinks of themselves as “Christian” should feel right now like they have been slapped alongside their head witha two-by-four! The Light to which Masons constantly refer, and toward which they are toconstantly move, is the Religion of Horus! This is very real, because in Egyptian Mythology, Horus is Lucifer

 Trent Lott is a SCOTTISH RITE OF FREE MASONRY Don’t Any of the Masons know about these facts? For the most part, no. About 95% of all Masons haven’t a clue as to what is really going on in their own lodges. Only 30th Degree Masons and above may be allowed to know these secrets. Of those Masons who are 30th and above, only 5% of them know the full facts, because they have already been initiated into the Illuminati. Most of the time, an Illuminist will enter into the ranks of Masonry simply to continue the infiltration process. Eventually, this Illuminist will become one of the high ranking Masons and will, therefore, be able to better control the Masonic world because of his degree and power.

Mormons & Masonry


click here

Proverbs 13:18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.
Masons also started the KKK Galatians 1:6-9 (another gospel) Mormons/ freemasons/ garter/ kkk/ muslims click here Who really started the “Klan”?
Look on the back of your $10 you’ll see very close a staute. Who is this man?This is ALBERT PIKE the pope of FREE MASONRY.He made a 861 page book with all the Mason codes
Morals and Dogma (MAD) emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.


Qabalah  Cabala

Freemasonry roots go back to the Cabalic

“exposing witchcraft –evil”