Mark of the Beast


Cashless Society = Mark of the Beast = New World Order


trick to upgrade 3rd World countries so everyone is web worldwide into ONE Language

“My grave concern is that with the advent of Y2K the Christian community–at the time in history when it should “stand in THE GAP”–will be unwittingly processed through the Hegelian Dialectic into world government without even realizing it.” Joan Veon


17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that have understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Chart used to caculate Prince Charles of Wales

” On March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that he and his two sons William and Harry, had been the first people to be voluntarily implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right hands, allegedly for security purposes.

IF ANYONE DOES NOT TAKE THE MARK THEN THEY WILL DIE (DEATH PENALTY IN THIS SOON TO BE NEW WORLD ORDER)THERE IS A WAY OUT OF THIS NWO /7 YEAR TRIBULATION where it says in the Bible that SOME CHRISTIANS will NOT taste death like Enoch (Gen)…WAIT ON JESUS TO RETURN TO RAPTURE THE CHURCH / BELIEVERS IN CHRIST back 2 heaven then come back in the 2nd Coming.This is no game listen to what i am saying, we are about to check out, rapture, take flight, blink out, leave the planet earth before this 7 YEAR TRIBULATION BEGINS with the opening of the 4 HORSEMEN…the white horse is a goat-unicorn (read Book of Daniel–LITTLE HORN)