Chart used to caculate Prince Charles of Wales

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. REV 13:18

Prince Charles of Wales name caculates to 666

The big question is WHY would God/Jesus leave us with this verse about adding a man number to see who the Antichrist may be? Most people cast off the Book of Revelation because of all the symbols. This is THE LASTEST NEWS IN THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. As a Christian i was taught I would NEVER KNOW who 666/Rev. 13:18 will be.

What is 666/ Rev 13:18? 666 is a MAN, not a country, idea, or clone. 666 name was hidden in Rev 1969 Prince of WalesChapter 13 verse 18 using the GEMTRIA. Many people (JWitness, LDS, Muslim, etc…) think of 666 as a misprinted or mistake number in the bible. Many believe it as a bad/good luck charm (witch/warlocks, druids, masonry, British Royal Family, gothics, etc. But BornAgain Christians know 666 is the SATAN IN THE FLESH.

What does this 666 have to do with your life and others? People who are LEFT BEHIND If you are LEFT BEHIND-------DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST 666----------Rev 13:16-17after the PRE-TRIB Rapture will populate the earth. Everyone left behind will be UNBELIEVERS (lost) the BELIEVERS went to heaven to the Bema Seat Judgement of Christ to recieve awards. So i will clear up the FALSE STATEMENT about Christians going threw the7 YEAR-TRIBULATION. There is a way to excape this coming CASHELSS SOCIETY …HOW ?—–> CLICK HERE

As Christians should care about who 666 will be or the MARK OF THE BEAST? YES————–We (Christians )” will not ” see this MARK OF THE BEAST ..we will EXCAPE the judgement that is to come. During this time earth will be under a 7 year (ONE WEEK ) TRIBULATION under the rule of 666. The CRUSADERS tried to set up a MEROVEE King to the throneafter they had the Holy Land. This cult wanted a Mervoee King to rule all of the world. Well, folks history repeats itself…FREEMASONRY plans to do such a thing. With the help of the MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER……soon the world will be under a Merovingian Ruler/ ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/ New World Order. 666 (anti-christ) will cause everyone to recieve a mark (human bio-chip size of a rice grain) in not on but inside the right hands and foreheads of the world’s population (Read Rev 13:16-17) or recieve the DEATH PENALTY!!!

ONLY ONE WAY OUT—-JESUS CHRIST Many people will NEVER see this “chip” or the coming 7 YEAR TRIBULATION or pysical death….because the Christians (only) will be snatched into 3rd HEAVEN called the RAPTURE (read 1 Thess 4:16-18) when Jesus Christ returns for his BRIDE. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO MAKE JESUS GOD OF YOUR LIFE. it’s EZ..CLICK HERE

Prince Charles of Wales? Chauncey come on ….CHARLES??? YES. This sound funny to me too into i did this heavy reasearch lossing sleep, hair and so called friends to uncover that this man really is LITTLE HORN spoken in the book of Daniel. This page will contain BIBLICAL PROOF on how PRINCE CHALRES OF WALES is 666 according to the caculation of his name.

Notice the belt that these royal beast have their left arms around ...this is known as the MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER...they are above FREEMASONRY WORLDWIDE>.........!!!!(<—CLICK HERE) Also we will discuss how his crest/ coat of arms also makes him 666 and no other person on planet earth (NOT EVEN HIS SON PRINCE WILLIAM/William has a sea shell in his crest not like his father who crest is describ in the BOOK OF DANIEL & REV.

If one was to indentfi this BEAST would the PUBLIC really believe? Could a caculation so ancient still be here in the future to caculate a man name to a number sytem? This issue is very complex, it is not as simple as adding some numbers together and gething 666. This NUMBER SYSTEM IS Gematria (a method of finding hidden meanings in a text by turning a word into a number.


Gematriaic (a method of finding hidden meanings in a text by turning a word into a number.

This website will help explain why PRINCE CHARLES OF WALES name caculates to 666 in both Hebrew and his native tounge English.The name was caculated by a Jewish man named Monte. We will be studing Gematriaic (a method of finding hidden meanings in a text by turning a word into a number. To all my Jewish friends i pray you PLEASE read the following.The information was abtained by Jewish people.

How do you calculate the number? This is were many people fall off right here….some make up a nice number system causing them to add up the wrong name such as Bill Gates, Bush, Pope, Sadduim Hussien, and Barney !! In order to get the correct numerical value we shall take a deep look at the Cablic.

What is the Cablic ?

This is a deep topic for Jews & Christians. Many are part of the Cabala. Britney Spears, Madanna, and other Hollywood Stars are part of this Mystical group.

What is the GEMATIA ?

This goes back to a deep understanding of the ancient classic languages of Hebrew and Greek. As you may recall, the numbers we use today are Arabic or Roman numerals. Like Hebrew and Greek, English has no numerals of their own. In ancient times, before there were Arabic and Roman numerals, a simple decimal system was used for each letter. That is, the first ten letters were given the value of one through ten in ascending order. The next letter, however, was not an eleven, but instead, twenty. Thereafter, each letter was ten more (20, 30, 40, etc). At one hundred, the letter incremented by 100’s, (200, 300, 400, etc). Both Hebrew and Greek contain 22 letters. So, the greatest value of any letter (Tav in Hebrew, Omega in Greek) was 400. The ancients simply used letters in place of numbers to indicate numerical values.

Gematriaic System

Was there a real numbering system used to caculate people’s name ? YES , Archaeology has found a stone where a man etched a secret message which read : AI love the girl whose name equals 545.” This numerical system can be applied to the English too.

John wrote the prophecy giving the value of 666 to the name of the beast (Anti-Christ), the ancients had no difficulty understanding the intent. This would be a confirmation of a particular name and would help in the identification process. Notice the word calculate gets a little deeper. How Chauncey ? Well it not just talking bout’ counting the numbers like some have tend to do. lol…..this word for number in the GREEK means ARITHMOS. adds to the mystery as it is more technical than the simpler word “count.” The origins of the word “arithmeticTo get a prophet caculation one must have wisdom & understanding. Read Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding…

The first Hebrew letter is an aleph, Greek is alpha, and English is just plain “A” The English alphabet originates from Greek (alpha beta) and the Hebrew (aleph bet). In 1982 Monte and his friend came up with the computer program that could accually caculate the number of this man. Now this calculation of this numerical value (gematria) for English could be identified. (Hebrew and Greek only have 22 letters). Monte (Jew) then type in all the names for all world figures past and present, calculating the gematria for each with computer accuracy. NO expectation for anyone when he started entering names. Monte knew Kissinger wasn’t the antichrist already..

When he entered the name “Prince Charles of Wales”. The value displayed was He nearly passed out after seeing this strange event on planet earth happenin’ right in front of him. He not satisfied with the answer so he typed it in many times then it finally hit him. He is a Prince just as the Scripture says.

Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. DAN 9:26

Prince Charles of Wales ?

The prince who is to come must be of Roman origin. It was the Romans who came and destroyed the temple and Jerusalem. The antimessiah must come from the fourth great beast described by Daniel. Daniel later describes how the prince comes to power. He must do so while being a prince, not a king.

And in his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue. DAN 11:21

Prince Charles is a prince of the people who came and destroyed the temple and Jerusalem. The honor of kingship has not been conferred upon him and his name equals 666 in English (the common language of our world) using the ancient gematria method. Monte was not satisfied so he entered PRINCE CHARLES OF WALES name in Hebrew. So Monter (a Jewish man) who finally made a trip to ISRAEL to get an authoritative source for translating this name into the Hebrew. The Israeli press writes Charles’ name in the Hebrew newspapers.

“Nasich Charles Mem Wales”

is the name as pronounced in Hebrew. I have a chart that has been floating around the Web & within the Jewish Community. I obtain this chart and made a AOL@ homepage /website. It was my first website but it had alot of information on it. Thanks to Howard & Britt i made this new website. This chart of 666 is own my old website which was cut of by AOL which i could not finish because my account was striped away. So when you enter my old website click the back button to come back to this page. The following WEBPAGE contains the CHART used to caculated PRINCE CHARLES OF WALES in both Hebrew & English. The statistical odds are astonishing. The name “Prince Charles of Wales” in the modern accepted form of Hebrew calculates to 666 as well.

NOBODY (even Prince William) will have any name of another public figure in the world whose name equals 666 in English or Hebrew. Nor, can you find another name of anyone in the world whose English name equals one value, translate it then into Hebrew and calculate to the same value as before the translation. I think this one fact about Prince Charles makes him worthy of much greater observation.

It gets even stranger, Charles means “man” or “manly.” Revelation 13:18 says that the number 666 is that of a “man.” I could substitute the name Charles for the word “man” and it would mean the same.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to recieve a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads;

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark , or the nof the beast, or the number of his name.

Source of Authority. Masons refer to the Bible as the “Volume of the Sacred Law” (V.S.L.), and it is considered an indispensable part of what is called “the furniture” in a Masonic Lodge. But the Bible is used only in a so-called “Christian” lodge — the Hebrew Pentateuch is used in a Hebrew lodge, the Koran in a Mohammedan lodge, the Vedas in a Brahmin lodge, etc. Jim Shaw, a former 33rd degree Mason, says that Masonry is not based on the Bible (referred to as “The Great Light”), but on the Kabala (Cabala), a medieval book of mysticism and magic. Masonic authority Henry Wilson Coil also admits that the Kabala’s teachings can be seen in some of the mystical and philosophical degrees of Masonry. Albert Pike (see next), the man responsible for virtually rewriting the Scottish Rite degrees into their present form, said that the Masonic “search after light” leads directly back to the Kabala, the ultimate source of Masonic beliefs (Morals and Dogma).

Infomation was obtain a BIBLE and a little help from a Jewish Man named Monte & Tim C. pray for ISRAEL (Jacob)