MEROVEE CROSS ----------WARNING : remove , dismantle ANY square crosses, this is a symbol of JESUS having SEX with MARY MAGDALEN...DO NOT SUPPORT THIS SATANIC EMBLEM.....Sign of the RED CROSS, Chopper City / Bikers, Masonic Symbol, Hilter IRON CROSS, KKK wore this on the left -side of thier KLAN ROBES, this same symbol is on the BRITISH JACK-----flag!

Franks’ King called Merovee. Merovee was king of the Franks from 447 to 458 A.D. Merovee belong to a religious cult called Diana (bear). Merovee is FRENCH for “MOTHER OF THE SEA” Merovee was birth with a red square (red- rose) cross–> + on his heart. His son Childeric I, (458-481A.D.) practiced witchcraft. Merovee grandson named Clovis I (481-511 A. D. ) adopted Christianity in 496 A. D.

Who is the Merovingians The Merovingians were Goddess Diana worshippers, as are so many in this line to the present day. They founded the city we call Paris and on one of their former sites of Diana ritual, Princess Diana was murdered in the Pont d’Alma tunnel (meaning “bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess”) on August 31st, 1997.

The Roman emperopr , Constantine, (307-337 A. D. ) embraced Christianity in 324 A.D., divided the Roman empire were Constantine end up moving his throne to the city of Byzantium. The city of Byzantium was renamed Constantinpole. Today we know this city as modern day Istanbul, TURKEY. After the death of Constantinpole, the Roman impire was divded.

In 496 the Bishop of Rome made a speacial pack with clovis (MEROVEE GRANDSON) who the Bishop called Clovis NEW CONSTANTINE giving him authority to preside over a “Christianized” Roman empire. (The term “HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE” was not officaially used until 962 A. D.) Thanks to the pope himself.

Two Royal Families in Great Britain claim (and have claimed of them) to be royal descendants of Judah. These are the current House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, etc.) and the House of Stuart-Spencer (late Princess Diana Windsor).

What is wierd is the Windsor’s searched for a ‘Virgin’ from the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, finally legitimizing their long held occult power and authority claimed of them as well as pouring the most Holy Blood of Christ into any child to come from such a union, and so, a Merovingian Virgin was saught by the Windsor’s and found in Diana Spencer!

Who else is part of this SATANIC BLOODLINE ? This bloodline also includes the Habsburgs, the most powerful family in Europe under the Holy Roman Empire; Geoffrey Plantagenet and the Plantagenet royal dynasty in England; King John, who signed the Magna Carta; King Henry Ist, II, and III, who were extremely close to the Knights Templar, as was King John; Mary Stuart and the Stuart Dynasty, including King James Ist of England, sponsor of the King James version of the Bible; King George Ist, II, and III; Edward Ist, II, and III, Queen Victoria; Edward VII; George V and VI;Queen Elizabeth II; Prince Charles of Wales and Elizabeth’s other offspring, Anne, Andrew and Edward; Princes William and Harry from Charles’ “marriage” to Princess Diana; US Presidents, George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and George Bush are all named in the charts as strands of this bloodline; it was passed on to the year 2000 US presidential favorite, George W. Bush Jr., and his brother, Jeb Bush, the Governor of Florida.

The Royal Family Believes they are from the Royal Bloodline of Jesus Christ. They call this bloodline the Merovingan Bloodline. They believe Jesus had SEX with Mary Magdalen and begat a holy child named Merovee. Below is the chart that HRH Queen Elizabeth claims she has that NO other Jewish person today cam trace their family back to Jesus.King David said he shall NOT have a man (HRH Prince Charles of Wales) to sit on his thrown (except 4 Jesus)

Image result for queen biblical chart

The so-called offsprings of Jesus & Mary Magdalen establish the empire and ruled as their leaders. Did you know the cathedrals, including NOTRE DAME, were built in honor of Mary Magdalen (Jesus so-called wife) not Mary mother of Jesus.


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Childric I

Clovis I

Clotaire I

Chilperic I

Clotaire II

Dagobert I

Sigisbert III

Dagobert II

Dagobert was assassinated on orders of Pepin the fat who placed his son , Charles Martel on the throne. Charles Martel, also called Carl the Hammer, ran the Muslims outta’ Europe. His grandson was CHARLEMAGNE

Prince Charles‘s Lineage.

Prince Charles is literally related to everyone of royal blood in the world, along with a few who are not, like Charles Darwin. According to the English genealogist Gerald Paget, who spent most of his 92 years tracing the lineage of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, “HRH’s [Prince Charles] breeding is the most important in the world … he is heir to the world’s greatest position that is determined solely by heredity.” (9) In the introduction to Paget’s monumental work, The Lineage & Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles of Wales, Paget writes, “His Royal Highness is cousin or nephew, in varying degrees, of all the six wives of King Henry VIII. He has many descents from the royal houses of Scotland, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, Spain, Portugal, Russia and the Netherlands … in addition to Charlemagne and William the Conqueror, he numbers amongst his ancestors such historic characters as King Alfred the Great, King Harold, who was slain at Hastings, Llewelyn the Great Prince of North Wales, Owain Glyndwr, Warwick the Kingmaker, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury (the last of the Plantagenets), the Protector Edward Seymour, the Duke of Somerset and his rival John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland … Louis IX, King of France, the Emperor Rudolph of Hapsburg, Catherine I, Empress of Russia, Robert Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots…” (10) Paget notes, “Links through marriages or a common ancestor can be found to such diverse people as Genghis Khan and twelve Presidents of the United States of America (for the last see Burke’s Presidential Families of the United States of America).” (11)

Prince Charles biographer, Anthony Holden, goes further and explains that Prince Charles “descends over and over again from Charlemagne and Frederick Barbarossa and all the great dynasties, Hapsburg and Hohenstaufen, Guleph and Hohenzollern, Bavaria, and Saxony, Hesse and Baden … in Italy, his forefathers include the Dukes of Savoy and the Emperor Frederick II … and the medieval Kings of Sicily, as also the Orsini of Rome (Pope Nicholas III was his ancestral uncle)… in Spain, they include Ferdinand and Isabella … and thus El Cid himself. The Prince’s Anglo-Saxon and Danish royal forefathers sprang from Dark Age kings who incarnated the storm-spirit Woden (after whom Wednesday is named), and among his pagan Celtic royal forefathers were King Niall of the Nine Hostages and the Dynamic Iron Age sacral kings of Tara, the great sanctuary of ancient Ireland. Through the Lusignan crusader kings of Cyprus, titular kings of Jerusalem, Prince Charles descends a millennium further back from king Tiridates the Great, the first Christian monarch of all (under whom Armenia was converted in AD 314, before even Rome itself), and thus from the divine Parthian Imperial House of Arsaces (247 BC), which reigned over Persia and Babylonia and was in its time the mightiest dynasty in the Ancient World.” (12)

Many blasphemous European royalty including Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II claim to be of the Blood line of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. According to the lie, Jesus didn’t die on the cross and rise from the dead. Instead they claim he married Mary Magdalene and fathered a number of children. This bloodline is referred to as the “Holy Grail”, with those possessing it believing themselves the rightful heirs to the throne of Jerusalem. They believe that a new king of “the holy seed of David” will preside over the “Masonic kingdom” of Israel and the world. Prince Charles’ link to the non-existent bloodline of Christ is through the Merovingian Kings of France. He is allegedly descended from the Merovingian Hildegarde. Princess Diana’s Bloodline can also be traced back to the Merovingians. This is why Prince Philip selected her.


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Did you know Mormons top leaders claim they had MEROVIAGIAN BLOODLINE ? What is the hidden meaning of the “BEE” this the symbol of Mormons and also the state symbol of Utah. Why did Napolean wear 300 miniture “golden bees” on his robe?

Merovingian Cross

Cross of Merovee=Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalen and begat a holy children later a king born named MEROVEE king of Franks.


Notice the Merovee Cross on the KKK logo, British Jack, and Bush’s knights of Malta/York Rite of Freemasonry.

If the above examples aren’t enough to convince you then here are a few more facts to take into consideration …

– Prince Charles is heir to the highest ranking office on earth to be attained solely by birthright.

– Israel became a state in 1948. Prince Charles was born in 1948.

– In 1992 (just before the full unification in 1993) Charles applied to the EU (European Union) to be made King of Europe. He was turned down by European parliament, but has since developed enormous support among European royalty and the moneyed elite.

– Prince Charles’ own business forum web site is at His World Business Forum comprises 200 of the world’s top corporate leaders and consolidates 26% of the world’s wealth. Charles is literally able to steer the environmental ethics & business agendas of the world’s most powerful multinational companies. The holdings of the House of Windsor constitute enormous wealth including the Archer-Daniel’s-Midland company (they are stockholders with controlling interest) which controls 75% of the world’s grain. In times of famine, the royal family will literally be able to control who eats and who starves.

– Prince Charles considers himself to be psychic and believes in guidance from the spirit realm. The Queen (also involved in spiritism) and Prince Philip both believe that Charles, “is the Chosen One – placed in line for the throne through a divine, preordained plan.”

– In 1977, Charles went to Ghana, Africa where he claimed to have had a mystical experience. The news reports quoted him as saying that it was like, “St. Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.”

– One of Prince Charles’ key men is the Canadian Maurice Strong. Strong is a top Illuminati operative and head of many world organizations. He has been under secretary of the UN for many years. He headed up the Rio Summit, World Conservation Bank, World Economic Forum, UN Commission on Global governance. He is also chairman of the Earth Council and the World Resources Institute and has been a top player in Planetary Citizens, the World Future Society, Aspen Institute, Business Council for Sustainable Development, Lindisfarne Association, World Federation of United Nations Associations, the Club of Rome, and about 30 other major organizations to name but a few of his powerful connections.

– To give you some idea of Charles’ influence: He is behind three of the most important documents of this decade, the UN’s Global Security Program (he personally initiated the United Nations Global Security Program), and the Rio Summit’s `Agenda 21′. Up until recently he headed the United World Colleges, he is credited with instigating alternative medicine, and with the success of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro.

– According to an article which appeared in the London Times on July 15th, 1998, titled “The Charles And Tony Show” many Britons are becoming concerned about Prince Charles’ meddling in the daily political affairs of the Tony Blair government. To quote the article “Charles’ involvement is causing considerable controversy in certain British quarters, who claim that he is over-stepping the bounds, of publicly allowable behavior, by a member of the Royal Family, in daily political events.

– Prince Charles attended the funeral of Yitzchak Rabin. Within two hours after the funeral, according to the Jerusalem Post, Prince Charles was in Prime Minister Shimon Peres’ office “insisting” that he attend a meeting at the Orient House, (in the Palestinian sector of Jerusalem), to begin negotiations to give back the Golan Heights to Syria.


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