KKK is Greek for “circle” Klan.They wore “white hoods” to represent the ghost of the dead Confederate soilders. Free Masons started the KKK with the help of Albert Pike and Nathan. They teach Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalen. KKK


Ku Klux is Greek for “circle”

Look on the back of your $10

Albert Pike is the pope of Freemasonry. He was a KKK member and his statue is on the back of your $10 bill. Most Free & Accepted Mason should know about him. This guy teaches Lucifer is the God!!! (I tell this to masons who are unaware of Pike’s teaching and they are shock/some are) Pike was born in Boston in 1809. He then settled in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he became a Mason in 1850. Pike was also “a great student of the Cabala and the occult.” Pike says the keys of Freemasonry goes back to the “cablic.”

PIKE also made a book called MAD —“Morals and Dogma” 861 pages long that Masons go by /like the secret codebook. The theological dogma of Freemasonry was explained in the “Instrustions” issued by Albert Pike on 14 July 1889 to the 23 Supreme Counceil of the world.

In the late 1800s, Freemasonry had grown too large ,inefficient and difficult to manage. Its many rites (York Rite, Scottish Rites,..ect, divisions,and sects, lacked a sense of unity and direction to the Free Masons.

Thu, in an effort to centralize the authority of universal Freemasonry a new ultra-secret governing body was established on 20 Setember 1870. This represented the first major restructruing (or perestroika) of illuminized Freemasonry. At the center of this creation was Albert Pike.

Pike made a qoute that if blacks joined freemasonry he shall leave it. click on the photo OF THE STATUE above to SEE ALBERT PIKES’S TEACHING OF JESUS.

 Trent Lott is also a Free Mason. Part of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

They claim Lucifer is God (CLICK HERE)

Free Masons start the KKK

click here

to see the Freemason chart

Notice the Merovee Cross on the KKK logo, British Jack, and Bush’s knights of Malta/York Rite of Freemasonry.

————–KKK British Jack/Jacob (Flag)

KKK are called the Knights of the KKlux Klan. Makes you wonder knights to who ???

Mormons (LDS/cult?)

click here

Mormons (LDS) teach Blacks (HAM) were cursed at the fall of Lucifer (many LDS claim because of Cain who they claim had darkskin) Mormons teach blacks have DARK SKIN because of a CURSE. I am African American, when i ask a mormon about this they gladly tell me “yeah it was a curse” (i have a coversation wtih a real mormon who expose their wicked teachings later on this page so you may see for your self.) People are so quick to jump on the color issue without doing their homework. That is why i made this WEBSITE, so the FACTS can finally be presented to the public. First, Blacks did not come into the picture till after the 2nd Flood (the 1st flood happen in Gen 1:2/the world was frozen) Noah had 3 sons, God/JESUS said these 3 sons is where the nations came from. Shem=Jews and Arabs / Ham=Africans and Egyptians / Japheth =European and Asian Minor (and anyone who is not black , jew, arab , or egypian. I will discuss more on the Genology of Mankind from Adam and before Adam. There were people here before Adam called PREADAMIC RACE. They are known as todays DEMONS=bond2earth. They are not fallen angels. I have studied the 7 dispensations that 90% of Bible students do not know and I also made my own in FULL COLOR . I will make this avalible FREE soon on this website. Look for my NEW PAGE on what color was JESUS PAGE. I will prove through the Bible only that Jesus was a JEW not black or white. If Jesus was black he comes from Ham. If Jesus was white He would come from Japheth. Jesus came from Shem . Then later through Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob (Israel).As Christians we all believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The name of this God is JESUS. Jesus was a Jew, Jesus is God.

Did you know Freemasonry & Mormonism have many of the same rituals ?

Morons claim thier prophet (Joe Smith /false prophet) is part of the Trinity. They teach LAW OF PROGRESSION and claim they will be GODs on other planets. This is the craziest so-called Christian saints since the Catholics. Why ? They too preach JESUS HAD SEX WITH MARY MAGDALEN who begat a Holy Child named MEROVEE. Mormons (LDS) like the Free Masons teach Jesus had kids and today that bloodline is known as the ROYAL MEROVIGIAN BLOODLINE. Many of the Mormon leaders (almost all of em) claim they have this same satanic bloodline. They also have ANOTHER GOSPEL.


Another Gospel (apostasy/lukewarm/cult)

<—click here to see the so-called bloodline chart that HRH Queen Elixabeth II has/no JEWISH preson alive today can trace thier tribe back to Jesus. But the Queen claims she is the offspring of Jesus through the Royal Bloodline called Merovingian Bloodine. NOTICE the KKK’s symbol of a square croos/MEROVEE on the left side of the Klan’s hooded outfits. Did you know that the Queen claims she is birth God. The Royal Family claims that they have the right to sit on King David’s Throne. David said “I shall not have a man sit on my throne”….(only one can do this is Jesus Christ)
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