bpage was not meant to offend the reader, only to educate them on the similarities between the two ceremoniesMormons are very different from Christianity on a number of reasons. Christians are WARNED not to ADD or TAKE AWAY from the BIBLE. WARNING: If you are a Mormon who has not been through the LDS temple some of the temple rites are disclosed, likewise for Masons. This article was not meant to offend the reader, only to educate them on the similarities between the two ceremonies.

What do Mormons/ LDS teach?SMITH is not a prophet? He is a FREEMASON -------Click here to learn what a FREE MASON IS , BUSH IS A FREEMASON ( J. KERRY is too) Its founder was Joseph Smith (1805-1844), a resident of Palmyra NY. His family of origin were called “Seekers”He received his first vision in 1820, at the age of 14 in Palymra, NY. Mormons teach God left the so-called prophet Joesph Smith 10 Golden PLATES. Mr. Smith came out with the Book of Mormon after the 10 tablets was given to him by the angel MONI. Joesph Smith was a FREEMASON too, many of the Mormon/ LDS rituals are just like the rituals proformed in MASONIC TEMPLES.

Who is the angel MONI?Who is this??????????????CAPTIN MONI  Paul warns Christians NOT to believe in ANOTHER GOSPEL even if an ANGEL told you differ. (read Gal 1:6-9)
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be CONDEMED
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel 
unto you than that ye have received, let him be CONDEMED
1823, at the age of 17, he received three visitations from Moroni The angel revealed to Joseph the location of golden tablets on which was written the history of two early American tribes. Mormons do not have crosses on their temples instead they have an ANGEL. He went to the site and found:

What are the 10 golden platesCLICK HERE : see proof of FREEMASONRY & Mormon connection with secret handshakes, passwords,ect..........?The 10 golden plates were apparently devices (perhaps in the form of flat stones) that the high priest consulted to determine the will of the Mormon god. They might have worked something like a pair of dice. Smith claimed that through the stones “and by the gift and power of God” he was able to translate the unknown script on the golden plates into English. However, he was not permitted to remove the plates at that time. He was instructed to return to the spot at each Autumn Equinox. Four years later, in 1827, he was finally allowed to take possession of the material
A friend of Smith, Martin Harris, attempted to authenticate the tablets by taking copies of some of the inscriptions to Professor Charles Anton and is said to have received verbal confirmation that the tablets were written in “reformed Egyptian” hieroglyphics.No such language exists. Prof. Anton later denied making this statement, and wrote that the symbols that he saw were a combination of Greek, Hebrew, inverted or sideways Roman letters, and elements from a Mexican calendar.

Book of Mormon? ANOTHER GOSPEL (read Gal 1:6-9) Mormons have ANOTHER GOSPEL that Paul warned us about in the Bible, also the Bible warns many NOT to take away or ADD to scripture. Mormons claim the Book of MORMON is equal to the Bible. If you are a CHRISTIAN i advise you to know your facts before you think about converting a LDS because MORMONS are taught a very deep complicated religion that has links with FREEMASONRY. I do not advise you to witness to a MORMON unless you know your BIBLE. I have personally talk to MOMRONS and told them boldly to get out of their occult , i also present them with facts of the BIBLE to help them do so. When you show the MORMON the real JESUS of the BIBLE it helps that LDS member to choose from ANOTHER GOSPEL (BOOK OF MORMON) or……the real BIBLE. Below are FACTS that every MORMON needs to read before he or her gets deeper in their religion that may doom them to hell (Sheol place of lost souls)

What is a Mason?????????click here

MORMONS/ LDS & FREEMASONRY CONNECTION. When i ask MORMONS about their connection with FREEMASONRY they are not aware of the similar rituals LDS and MASONS have. President George W. Bush awards the National Medal of Arts to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! Bush a freemason?On November 12th, the United States’ highest honor for artistic excellence was awarded to the Choir. Bush is a Freemason yet many Chrsitians do not understand the hiddden agenda of Masons nor does the LDS member understand the secret agenda of a ONE WORLD. If you are a Mormon who has not been through the LDS temple some of the temple rites are disclosed, likewise for Masons.

Mormons teach ANOTHER GOSPEL (read Gal 1:6-9) Mormons teach a false doctrine called “LAW OF PROGRESSION”—-means each MORMON one day will become a GOD over a race of people, have their own planet. The Mormon god was raised to his godhood and sent with many goddess wives to a planet near the great star, Kolob, somewhere in our present galaxy.

JESUS HAD SEX WITH MARY MAGDALENE? Mormon Elders teach a MEROVINGIAN BLOODLINE even claim all the LDS leaders had this same BLOOD. Who is Merovee? The scary fact is MASONS & Mormons/LDS teach this myth. There, this god and his wives began ëprocreating’ or physically begetting “spirit” children. We here on this planet are each the offspring of this god and one of his goddesses in this pre-existent Mormon world.”In the beginning, the head of the Gods called a council of the Gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people it….In all congregations when I have preached on the subject of the Deity, it has been the plurality of Gods.” Joseph Smith, (Founder and First Prophet), History of the Church, Vol 6, pp. 308,474.

Mormons teach JESUS and SATAN are brothers who war long agoThe lighter-skin (WHITE) was waring with LUCIFER and his army dark-skin people (AFRICANs/ BLACKS) the sad FACT is MORMONS teach BLACKS (ham) is curced from the fall of LUCIFER, but BLACKS (africans ) did not come NOAH had 3 sons name SHEM (Hebrew) , Ham (africans ) and Japheth (Europeans and Asian Minor)

Christ. Mormonism acknowledges the divinity of Christ, but as noted above, Mormon doctrine on what constitutes divinity falls seriously short of the Biblical standard. Mormonism teaches that Jesus, Lucifer, and all the demons, as well as all mankind, are actually all spirit brothers and sisters, born in the spirit world as spirit babies to our man-god Heavenly Father and his goddess wives. Mormon leaders have consistently taught that God the Father (“Adam-god”) had sexual relations on earth with Mary (his own spirit daughter), to produce the physical body of Jesus. Early Mormon apostles also asserted that Christ was a polygamist, and that His wives included Mary and Martha (the sisters of Lazarus) and Mary Magdalene

Mormons Racist?

“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man…mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.” B. Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, p. 110.

The Mark of Cain

The Mormon prophet Brigham Young on the appearence of Africans:

“Cain slew his brother….and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the FLAT NOSE AND BLACK SKIN…”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, pages 290-291)

From a Mormon Publication:

“Their skin is quite black, their hair woolly and black, THEIR INTELLIGENCE STUNTED, and they appear never to have arisen from the most savage state of barbarism.” The Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 3, page 157)

Besides a black skin, Africans have a black heart, according to Mormon publication Times and Seasons, edited by future prophet John Taylor:

“The descendants of Ham, besides A BLACK SKIN which has ever been a curse that has followed an apostate of the holy priesthood, as well as a BLACK HEART, have been servants to both Shem and Japheth, and the ABOLITIONISTS ARE TRYING TO MAKE VOID THE CURSE OF GOD, BUT IT WILL REQUIRE MORE POWER THAN MAN POSSESSES TO COUNTERACT THE DECREES OF ETERNAL WISDOM.”
(Times and Seasons, Vol. 6, page 857)

Blacks Have Dishonorable Bodies

Apostle Orson Pratt taught that some people don’t receive an “honourable body” because they sided with the Devil in a previous life:

“At the time the devil was cast out of heaven, there were some spirits that did not know who had authority, whether God or the devil. They consequently did NOT TAKE A VERY ACTIVE PART ON EITHER SIDE, BUT RATHER THOUGHT THE DEVIL HAD BEEN ABUSED, AND CONSIDERED HE HAD RATHER THE BEST CLAIM TO THE GOVERNMENT. These spirits were not considered bad enough to be cast down to hell, and never have bodies; neither were they CONSIDERED WORTHY OF AN HONOURABLE BODY on this earth: but it came to pass that Ham, the son of Noah, saw the nakedness of his father while he lay drunk in his tent, and he with ‘wicked joy,’ ran like Rigdon, and made the wonderful disclosure to his brethren; while Shem and Japheth took a garment, with pity and compassion, laid it upon their shoulders—went backwards and covered their father,… The conduct of the former BROUGHT THE CURSE OF SLAVERY upon him, while that of the latter secured blessings, jurisdiction, power and dominion….Canaan, the son of Ham, received the curse; for Noah wished to place the curse as remote from himself as possible. He therefore placed it upon his grandson instead of his son. Now, it would seem cruel to force PURE celestial spirits into the world through the lineage of Canaan that had been cursed. This would be ill appropriate, putting the PRECIOUS and VILE together. But those spirits in heaven that rather LENT AN INFLUENCE to the DEVIL, thinking he had a little the best right to govern, but did not take a very active part any way were required to come into the world and take bodies information concerning the doctrine of pre-existence: “Is there reason then why the type of birth we receive in this life is not in the ACCURSED lineage of Canaan; and hence the NEGRO or African race.”
(Speech of Elder Orson Hyde, delivered before the High Priests’ Quorum, in Nauvoo. April 27th, 1845, printed in Liverpool, page 30)

God Darkens Sinners

According to the Book of Mormon, the church’s sacred scripture, God darkens people who sin. This is the Mormon church’s explanation for the color of the American Indians:

“…wherefore, as they were white, and exceeding fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a SKIN OF BLACKNESS to come upon them.”
(Book of Mormon, page 61, 2 Nephi 5, verse 21)

“And the skins of the Lamanites were DARK, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which WAS A CURSE upon them because of their transgression…” (Book of Mormon, page 201, Alma 3, verse 6)

“…for this people shall be scattered, and shall become a DARK, a filthy, and a loathsome people, beyond the description of that which ever hath been amongst us,…” (Book of Mormon, page 468, Mormon 5, verse 15)

The Book of Mormon, however, predicts that the Indians will repent of their sins and become white:

“…and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a WHITE AND DELIGHTSOME PEOPLE.”
(Book of Mormon, page 102, 2 Nephi 30, verse 6. (The word “WHITE” was changed to “PURE” in later editions of the Book of Mormon))

Mormon Publication claims that sinners turn dark:

“From this it is very clear that the mark which was set upon the descendants of Cain was a SKIN OF BLACKNESS, and there can be no doubt that this was the mark that Cain himself received; in fact, it HAS BEEN NOTICED IN OUR DAY THAT MEN WHO HAVE LOST THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, AND FROM WHOM HIS BLESSINGS HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN, HAVE TURNED DARK TO SUCH AN EXTENT AS TO EXCITE THE COMMENTS OF ALL WHO HAVE KNOWN THEM.”
(Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 26, page 635)

Scrubbing the Mark

Dark skin is God’s mark and even with help from his white friends, an African can’t scrub it off:

“For instance, the descendants of Cain cannot cast off their SKIN OF BLACKNESS, at once, and immediately, although every soul of them should repent,…Cain and his posterity must wear the mark which God put upon them; and his white friends may WASH THE RACE OF CAIN WITH FULLER’S SOAP EVERY DAY, THEY CANNOT WASH AWAY GOD’S MARK;…” (Mormon publication, Millennial Star, Vol. 14, page 418)

People of Color Consort with the Devil

Also from McConkie: Cain was an associate of Lucifer and is the Father of the Negros.

“Though he was a rebel and AN ASSOCIATE OF LUCIFER IN PRE-EXISTENCE, and though he was a liar from the beginning whose name was Perdition, CAIN MANAGED TO ATTAIN THE PRIVILEGE OF MORTAL BIRTH. Under Adam’s tutelage, he began in this life to serve God….he came out in open rebellion, fought God, worshiped Lucifer, and slew Abel…. “As a result of his rebellion, CAIN WAS CURSED WITH A DARK SKIN; he became the father of the Negroes, and those spirits who ARE NOT WORTHY to receive the priesthood are born through his lineage. He became the first mortal to be cursed as a son of perdition. As a result of his mortal birth he is assured of a tangible body of flesh and bones in eternity, a fact which will enable him to RULE over SATAN.”(Mormon Doctrine, p. 102)

According to the 3rd president of the Mormon church, John Taylor, Cain’s curse of a dark skin marks the representatives of the Devil:

“And after the flood we are told that the CURSE that had been pronounced upon Cain was continued through HAM’S WIFE, as he had married a wife of that seed. And why did it pass through the flood? because it was necessary that the DEVIL SHOULD HAVE A REPRESENTATION upon the earth as well as God;…” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 22, page 304)

Inter-racial Relationships

Brigham Young: Death to inter-racial couples:

“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the AFRICAN RACE? If the WHITE man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the PENALTY, under the LAW OF GOD, IS DEATH ON THE SPOT. THIS WILL ALWAYS BE SO.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, page 110)

Slavery – A Divine Institution

A letter written by Joseph Smith, the first Mormon prophet, to the Messenger and Advocate, an early Mormon newspaper, deriding those who would end slavery. Later, this letter was printed in “History of the Church”:

“DEAR SIR: —This place (Kirtland) having recently been visited by a gentleman who advocated the principles or doctrines of those who are called ABOLITIONISTS, and his presence having created an interest in that subject, if you deem the following reflections of any service, or think they will have a tendency to correct the opinions of the Southern public,…you are at liberty to give them publicity… I FEAR that the sound might go out, that ‘an Abolitionist’ had held forth several times to this community,…all, except a very few, attended to their own vocations, and left the gentleman to hold forth his own arguments to nearly naked walls. I am aware that many, who PROFESS to preach the Gospel, complain against their brethren of the same faith, who reside in the South, and are ready to withdraw the hand of fellowship, because they will not renounce the principle of slavery, and raise their voice against every thing of the kind. This must be a tender point, and one which should call forth the candid reflections of all men, and more especially before they advance in an opposition calculated to lay waste the fair states of the South, and let loose upon the world a community of people, who might, peradventure, OVERRUN OUR COUNTRY, AND VIOLATE THE MOST SACRED PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN SOCIETY, CHASTITY AND VIRTUE…. I do not believe that the people of the North have any more right to say that the South shall not hold slaves, than the South have to say the North shall. “How any community can ever be excited with the CHATTER of such persons, boys and others, who are too indolent to obtain their living by honest industry, and are incapable of pursuing any occupation of a professional nature, is unaccountable to me; and when I see persons in the free states, signing documents against slavery, it is no less, in my mind, than an army of influence, and a DECLARATION OF HOSTILITIES, against the people of the South. What course can sooner divide our union? “After having expressed myself so freely upon this subject, I do not doubt, but those who have been forward in raising their voices against the South, will cry out against me as being uncharitable, unfeeling, unkind, and wholly unacquainted with the Gospel of Christ….the first mention we have of SLAVERY is found in the Holy Bible,… And so far from that prediction being averse to the mind of God, it remains as a lasting monument of the DECREE OF JEHOVAH, to the shame and confusion of all who HAVE CRIED OUT against the South, in consequence of their holding the sons of Ham in SERVITUDE…. I can say, the CURSE IS NOT YET TAKEN OFF FROM THE SONS OF CANAAN, neither will be until it is affected by as great a power as caused it to come; and the people who INTERFERE THE LEAST WITH THE PURPOSES OF GOD in this matter, will come under the LEAST CONDEMNATION BEFORE HIM; and those who are determined to pursue a course, which shows an opposition, and a feverish restlessness against the DECREES OF THE LORD, will learn, when perhaps it is too late for their own good, that God can do his own work, without the aid of those who are not dictated by His counsel.”
(History of the Church, by Joseph Smith, Vol. 2, pages 436-438)

More from the Mormon newspaper Messenger and Advocate:

“Where can be the common sense of any wishing to see the slaves of the south set at liberty,… Such a thing could not take place without corrupting all civil and wholesome society, of both the north and the south! Let the BLACKS of the south be free, and our community is overrun with paupers, and a reckless mass of human beings, uncultivated, untaught and unaccustomed to provide for themselves the necessaries of life— endangering the chastity of every female who might by chance be found in our streets—our prisons filled with convicts, and the HANG-MAN WEARIED with executing the functions of his office! This must unavoidably be the case, every rational man must admit, who has ever travelled in the slave states, or we must open our houses unfold our arms, and bid these DEGRADED AND DEGRADING sons of Canaan, a hear[t]y welcome and a free admittance to all we possess! A society of this nature, to us, is so intolerably DEGRADING, that the bare reflection causes our feelings to recoil, and our hearts to revolt….the project of EMANSIPATION IS DESTRUCTIVE TO OUR GOVERNMENT, and the notion of amalgamation is devilish!— And insensible to feeling must be the heart, and low indeed must be the mind, that would consent for a moment, to see his fair daughter, his sister, or perhaps, his bosom companion, in the embrace of a NEGRO!…
(Messenger and Advocate, Vol. 2, pp. 299-301)

Brigham Young states that slavery is a divine institution:

“Ham will continue to be servant of servants, as the Lord decreed, until the curse is removed. WILL THE PRESENT STRUGGLE FREE THE SLAVE? NO; but they are now wasting away the black race by thousands…. “Treat the slaves kindly and let them live, for HAM MUST BE THE SERVANT OF SERVANTS UNTIL THE CURSE IS REMOVED. Can you destroy the decrees of the Almighty? YOU CANNOT. Yet our Christian brethren think that they are going to overthrow the sentence of the Almighty upon the seed of Ham. THEY CANNOT DO THAT, though they may kill them by thousands and tens of thousands.”
(Millennial Star, Vol. 25, page 787; also published in Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, page 250)

We are often asked about the “other Mormon church” that is headquartered in Independence, Missouri. The questions vary from: “are they a cult?” to “what is the difference between them and the Utah Mormons?”

The answer to the first is easy. YES, they are a cult.

The answer to the second is a bit more complicated. The RLDS (Reorganized Latter Day Saints) actually had its start after the assassination of Joseph Smith Jr., the founder and prophet of all LDS churches. After his death in 1844, there were many men who rose up and declared themselves to be the true prophet to replace Smith. Many of these new “prophets” began their own version of the “only true church.” In fact, there have been over 100 distinct groups claiming to be the church that would end all controversy about the “restored” gospel. The RLDS is the largest of these spin-off groups.

And though there has been a change in attitude to blacks as of June 9, 1978 when they were finally allowed into the Mormon priesthood, it cannot be denied that Mormonism was, up until very recently, a segregated church.

“At the time the devil was cast out of heaven, there were some spirits that did not know who had authority, whether God or the devil. They consequently did not take a very active part on either side, but rather thought the devil had been abused, and considered he had rather the best claim to the government. These spirits were not considered bad enough to be cast down to hell, and never have bodies; neither were they considered worthy of an honorable body on this earth.” A speech by Elder Orson Hyde, delivered before the High Priests’ Quorum,, in Nauvoo, April 27th, 1845, printed in Liverpool, page 30.
“The very fact that God would allow those spirits who were less worthy in the spirit world to partake of a mortal body at all is further evidence of his mercy.” Mormonism and the Negro, part I, pages 48-50.
“It is the Mormon belief that in our pre-mortal state there were a large number of individuals who, due to some act or behavior of their own in the pre-existence, forfeited the right to hold the Priesthood during their mortal lives…the Negro is thus denied the Priesthood because of his own behavior in the pre-existence.” The Church and the Negro, pages 42-43.
“As a result of his rebellion, Cain was cursed and told that “the earth” would not thereafter yield him its abundance as previously. In addition he became the first mortal to be cursed as a son of perdition…The Lord placed on Cain a mark of a dark skin, and he became the ancestor of the black race. (Moses 5; Gen. 4; Teachings, p. 169).” Mormon Doctrine by Bruce McConkie, page 109.
“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.” Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, page 110.
The reader should be reminded that Brigham Young, the second prophet of the Mormon church said that whatever he preached was as good as scripture — J. D. Vol. 13, page 95, 264.
“…the church went to court on several occasions to block Negroes from moving into the San Francisco neighborhood in which the headquarters was located.” The Christian Century, Sept. 29, 1965, page 1184.
On Oct. 28, 1865, the Mormon Church paper Millennial Star printed an article which stated that “Mormonism is that kind of religion the entire divinity of which is invalidated, and its truth utterly rejected, the moment that any one of its leading principles I acknowledged to be false…”
The Mormon write John J. Stewart stated: “If we as members of the Church are going to pick and choose among the Prophet’s teachings, and say ‘this one is of God, we can accept it, but this one is of man, we will reject that,’ then we are undermining the whole structure of our faith…” Mormonism and the Negro, page 19.
“The prophets have declared that there are at least two major stipulations that have to be met before the Negroes will be allowed to possess the Priesthood. The first requirement relates to time. The Negroes will not be allowed to hold the Priesthood during mortality, in fact, not until after the resurrection of all of Adam’s children. The other stipulation requires that Abel’s seed receive the first opportunity of having the priesthood….the last of Adam’s children will not be resurrected until the end of the millennium. Therefore, the Negroes will not receive the Priesthood until after that time… this will not happen until after the thousand years of Christ’s reign on earth.” The Church and the Negro, 1967, pages 45-48.
Albert B. Fritz, NAACP branch president, said at a civil rights meeting Friday night that his organization promised not to picket the 133rd Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church on Temple Square. He added, however, that the NAACP will picket Temple Square, next Saturday if the Church does not present an ‘acceptable’ statement on civil rights before that day.” Deseret News, Oct. 5, 1963.
“Some 3,000 students, led by the BSU, paraded peacefully on the school’s campus in Seattle Monday over the issue of alleged racism at BYU.” Deseret News, March 10, 1970.
“The demonstration was the latest in a series of protests against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) because the church bars Negroes from its priesthood.” Deseret News, Jan. 10, 1970.
In June of 1978 the Mormon church officiated a ‘revelation’ stating that blacks could then hold the priesthood.