This is the OFFICAL FLAG of WALES. It is a RED DRAGON on a White & Green flag. This flag is hail as Charles enters Wales. Prince Charles is LEAD BY THE DRAGON . Look at the corner of the ROYAL CREST. Notice the RED DRAGON it is biting the heels of the WHITEHORSE/ Unicorn. Jacob/Israel talk about this with the TRIBE OF DAN. DAN SHALL BE LIKE A VIPER……more will be discussed on this topic |
England Crest College overy 500 years old <———–LOOK AT THIS CROSS. IT IS NOT THE CROSS OF JESUS , THIS IS A MEROVEE CROSS. If you have this logo on any of your hats, shirts, backpacks, car sticker, or pictures of this satanic cross (some call it the iron cross of Hitler/Bikers call it CHOPPER ) remove it from your house. DO NOT WEAR OR SUPPORT THIS MEROVIGIAN CROSS. WARNING:THIS IS THE CROSS OF THE ANTICHRIST ,ANYONE CAUGHT WEARING THIS SUPPORTS THE FACT THAT JESUS HAD SEX later this Bloodline made a KING NAMED MEROVEE. THE SPOON-FED PUBLIC HAS NO IDEA THIS CROSS IS NOT OF JESUS. This MEROVIGIAN CROSS is also called a lilly pad or shame rock, alot of Bikers and high school kids wear this symbol but what is it? Hilter wore this on his left side, it is on the Bristish Jack/ Jacob (British Flag) it is the symbol of the RED CROSS, KKK, and Knights Templar. The French CRUSADERS wore this on their robes. This is a satanic symbol of a HOLY CHILD named MEROVEE. The Royal Family believes Jesus Christ had sex with Mary Magdalen and begat a HOLY CHILDREN later down threw history one named MEROVEE came along married into the Royal Franks. They claim Mary Magdalen fleed Jerusalem in A.D. 70 before it was burn down. They claim Mary crosssed the sea, found refugee in South France. Later around the 4th centrury a Merovingian King is born, Holy Child named Merovoee who was birth with a ” square cross ” above his left heart. They claim MEROVEE married into the Franks Royal Family and today called the Merovinagian Dynasty. The Royal Family claims they have Royal Blood from Jesus Christ. This is a LIE and America better wake up . Tony Blair already has his paws all over this NEW WORLD ORDER=MEROVINGIAN RULES WARNING: Did you know Christians can recieve a GENOICDE CRIME aginst us for teaching other religions are false.For example : Mormos are cult and teach racist to their LDS members. The following pictures and information can get me and my friends KILLED (Greg, Edward, PJ, Howard, and Gary) or the U.N. could take us out of ANY country and we (Christians ) could recieve a new punishment called the GENOCIDE LAW from ICC (INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT). ICC is a NEW WORLD ORDER COURT SYSTEM . America will lose their Constitution under a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The ICC is here and in charge. The world will soon be under (if not already ) the EARTH CHARTER. More will be dissused on this new EARTH CHARTER that will replace the UN CHARTER. Please send Chauncey your FEEDBACK Mormons (LDS/cult?) click here click here to learn what is the ICC This is the same court they was going to try Saddum Hussien when he was found alive. (update—WE GOT EM’ ) This is a real international court. For a Global world you need Global laws=REIVENTING GOVERMENT. I am no longer afraid of the ORDER or its Masons. Prince Charles of Wales Crest will prove that he alone is the only canadate to be the ANTICHRIST